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Purple Chakra


The purple chakra, also called the seventh or crown chakra, is positioned at the top of the head and represents the highest level of spiritual awareness in the chakra system. It is associated with purple and plays a vital role in connecting an individual to their spiritual essence, promoting self-realization and profound spiritual insight.

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Purple Chakra explained

Purple chakra explainedThe crown chakra, also called the seventh or purple chakra, is positioned at the top of the head and represents the highest level of spiritual awareness in the chakra system. The sanskrit word for crown chakra is Sahasrara, meaning thousand petalled. Each of the seven chakras has different chakra colors, elements, and qualities associated with specific physical, emotional, and spiritual functions.

The crown chakra is considered the most powerful energy center and resides at the crown of the head. This particular chakra is associated with a violet or purple color, symbolizing spiritual awareness, higher consciousness, and a deep connection to the divine. The color purple symbolizes its role in connecting an individual to their spiritual essence, promoting self-realization and profound spiritual insight.


Purple Chakra Meaning and Function

The purple chakra, also known as the crown chakra, serves as the gateway to the higher spiritual plane, allowing individuals to access their spiritual beings and receive divine light.  It is the final ray of the rainbow spectrum of colors. While some places see the crown chakra color explained as white, or golden, most commonly, it is a violet or purple color.

The dark purple chakra’s primary function is to connect individuals with their spiritual side and tap into their higher power, promoting a deep sense of peace, clarity, and oneness with the universe. In addition to its spiritual functions, the violet chakra also regulates the central nervous system and the pineal gland, a small endocrine gland responsible for producing melatonin and regulating the sleep-wake cycle.

The purple chakra correlates to the third eye chakra, or sixth chakra, which is responsible for intuition, spiritual insight, and mental clarity. It acts as a bridge between the lower and upper energy centers, integrating spiritual practices into one’s daily routine. A balanced and open purple chakra promotes deep spiritual connection, self-realization, and heightened intuition.


Signs of an Unhealthy Crown Chakra

An overactive, underactive, or blocked purple chakra can result in several physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms, disrupting an individual's spiritual journey. Some of the symptoms and signs of an unhealthy crown chakra include:


Overactive Purple Chakra

An overactive purple chakra can cause practitioners to feel disconnected to the real world. Signs of an overactive crown chakra include:

  • Feeling disconnected from the physical world
  • Being overly focused on spiritual matters and neglecting practical concerns
  • Having a sense of superiority or arrogance
  • Feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated by spiritual practices
  • Difficulty sleeping or experiencing vivid, intense dreams


Underactive Crown Chakra

An underactive chakra is one that is not functioning optimally, leading to a lack of energy flow and balance in that particular energy center. Some symptoms of an underactive crown chakra include:

  • Feeling disconnected from spirituality or lacking a sense of purpose
  • Difficulty meditating or accessing spiritual states of consciousness
  • Lack of mental clarity or difficulty concentrating
  • Feeling lost or directionless in life
  • Depression or a sense of disconnection from oneself and others


Blocked Seventh Chakra

A blocked crown chakra occurs when there is a blockage in the flow of energy. Some symptoms include:

  • Feeling disconnected from spirituality or lacking a sense of purpose
  • Inability to access spiritual states of consciousness
  • Feeling stuck or stagnant in life
  • Lack of inspiration or creativity
  • Mental issues
  • Difficulty connecting with others on a deeper level.
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What Does a Balanced Crown Chakra Feel Like?

Once the crown chakra opens up, practitioners may feel spiritually connected to others, both living and those who have passed on. They may experience a sense of profound peace, clarity, and oneness with the universe, supporting their spiritual connection, self-realization, and a heightened sense of intuition.

Physical sensations associated with an open crown chakra can include a feeling of weightlessness, tingling or pulsing sensations in the crown, and a sense of warmth or energy radiating from the head. Emotionally, individuals may feel a sense of contentment, joy, and inner peace.


How to Balance The Seventh and Final Chakra

A balanced crown chakra is essential to maintain spiritual well-being, mental clarity, and emotional stability. There are several ways to balance the purple chakra, including the following:



One of the most effective ways to balance the purple chakra is through chakra meditation. Here is an example of a crown chakra meditation to open the crown chakra:

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit undisturbed. Sit cross-legged on a cushion or a chair with your spine straight, shoulders relaxed, and hands resting on your knees.

  2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. As you inhale, imagine white light entering the crown of your head and filling your entire physical body with pure, healing energy. As you exhale, release any tension or negativity from your body.

  3. Focus on the point where your crown chakra begins and imagine a lotus flower blooming at the top, opening up to receive divine light.

  4. Visualize a beam of white light coming down from the universe and entering your crown chakra. Allow this light to fill your entire body with pure, healing energy.

  5. Repeat positive affirmations, such as "I am connected to the divine," or any other affirmation that resonates with you. Visualize the words forming in the space above your head and sinking into your crown chakra.

  6. Stay in this state of meditation for as long as you feel comfortable. When you're ready to end the meditation, take a few deep breaths and slowly open your eyes.


Yoga Asanas

Several yoga asanas or poses can help balance and activate the crown chakra. Some of them include:

  1. Lotus Pose (Padmasana) - This is a seated posture that helps to calm the mind and improve concentration, which can help to activate the crown chakra.

  2. Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): This inversion pose helps increase blood flow to the head and activate the crown chakra.

  3. Tree Pose (Vrksasana): This pose helps to improve balance and stability, which can help to activate the crown chakra.

  4. Child's Pose (Balasana) - This is a restorative pose that helps to calm the mind and reduce stress, which can help to activate the crown chakra.

  5. Corpse Pose (Savasana) - This is a relaxation pose that helps to calm the mind and body, which can help to activate the crown chakra.


Essential oils

Aromatherapy using essential oils such as lavender, frankincense, and sandalwood can help balance the purple chakra. These oils can help promote relaxation and calmness and may enhance your meditation or yoga practice.


Chakra Stones and Crystals

Using crown chakra crystals, such as lavender quartz, amethyst, clear quartz, and blue lace agate can also help balance the purple chakra. Practitioners can choose to hold or wear these crystals to promote spiritual insight and mental clarity.


The Takeaway

The Sahasrara chakra, also known as the purple chakra, is an energy center associated with spiritual connection, higher consciousness, and self-realization. Maintaining a balanced purple chakra is crucial for overall spiritual well-being, mental clarity, and emotional stability. An unbalanced purple chakra can cause physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms that may disrupt an individual's spiritual journey. Thus, it is important to recognize the signs of an unbalanced purple chakra and take steps to balance it.

The purple chakra can be balanced through various methods, including meditation, yoga, essential oils, and crystals. By striving to balance this chakra, we can experience a deep sense of connection to our higher selves, the world around us, and a higher power.

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The Physiological Foundation of Yoga Chakra Expression.

Crown Chakra: Everything You Need to Know About the Sahasrara

Essential Oils for Chakras

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