9 min read

Wim Hof Breathing Method


The Wim Hof Method is a three-step process developed by the legendary Iceman. Wim Hof has set numerous World Records about his ability to withstand frigid temperatures leaving the whole world wondering: how?

Wim Hof follows a strict routine involving deep breathing, cold therapy, and meditation, enabling him to excel above and beyond physiological expectations. His abilities are so extraordinary and bizarre that even scientists do not entirely understand them. The effectiveness of the Wim Hof method is undeniable, and practicing Wim Hof breathing is one of the easiest ways to get started.


History of Wim HoF Breathing Techniques

what is the wim hof breathing method and how it worksThe Wim Hof Method has three parts that retrain the mind, body, and breath to withstand freezing temperatures. He refers to his meditative practice as a change of mindset. Hof uses a combination of visualization and controlled deep breathing exercises to create an inner fire. Building an internal fire is not a new practice. Monks have practiced this technique in Tibetan Buddhism for centuries. Hof believes the inner fire initiates a brain-over-body mindset, allowing the mind to regulate autonomic functions and control physiological responses.

Through decades of self-exploration and groundbreaking scientific studies, Wim has created a simple, effective way to stimulate these deep physiological processes on a cellular level, allowing humans to realize our full potential. The extensive history of breathing and meditation techniques used by Wim Hof reinforces the practice as an essential aspect of spiritual history. In addition, it indicates its value for extreme athletes and everyday people.

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Who Is The Iceman?

who is the ice man, Wim HofWim Hof’s nickname is Iceman because he combined controlled hyperventilation, breath retention, meditation, and cold therapy to withstand frigid environments longer than most individuals can. He practices his method in the arctic circle and goes unbothered by the cold.

One study analyzed Hof's brown adipose tissue concentrations and their ability to withstand cold temperatures. Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt (2017) studied Wim Hof using a combination of positron emission tomography (PET scan) and a glucose tracer to understand how he differs from an age-matched population of healthy individuals. The research team subjected Hof to a cold protocol while in the PET scan to measure non-shivering thermogenesis.

Non-shivering thermogenesis is a metabolic function that works to warm the body without using or moving muscles. The sympathetic nervous system controls and initiates the process in the brown adipose tissue. Brown adipose tissue is essential fat in the human body that transfers the energy gained from our food into heat. Without brown adipose tissue, we would be unable to regulate our body temperature and quickly freeze in cold winter weather.

Van Marken Lichtenbelt and his team hypothesized that Hof's ability to withstand cold climates is due to an increase in brown adipose tissue concentration. However, the PET scan showed that Hof's adipose tissue fell within a normal range, and his non-shivering thermogenesis was only 10% higher than an average healthy adult.

The PET scan results puzzled the researchers, requesting that Hof complete the cold protocol again. On the second test, the team observed how Hof changed his conscious breathing rate and depth when the cold exposure began. They noticed that he started to inhale profoundly and kept his breath relatively long before exhaling. The extended retention time regulated the response of his sympathetic nervous system, enabling Hof to maintain a steady body temperature.

Van Marken Lichtenbelt and his research team had many unanswered questions after completing the study. Their observations of Hof's brown adipose tissue concentration and metabolic rate during the cold protocol led to new hypotheses and assumptions regarding his unique ability to withstand cold. Van Marken Lichtenbelt hypothesizes that Hof's powers stem from several factors. These include an increase in non-shivering thermogenesis, contraction of respiratory muscles, vasoconstriction, and the use of meditation.

These hypotheses are yet to be proven, and no current research studies look into Wim Hof. However, they provide an essential starting point for analyzing how and why Wim Hof can withstand extreme coldness. The increased non-shivering thermogenesis and contraction of respiratory muscles are significant indications for a healthy population to use Wim Hof's breathing exercises. His meditation technique's mind-body connection may benefit athletes and those suffering from chronic conditions.


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Brain Over Body

wim hof breathing, brain over bodyThe mind and body connect through the central nervous system (CNS), regulated in the brain stem. Sections of the CNS control different systems in the body. The autonomic nervous system (ANS), parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), and sympathetic nervous system (SNS) work synergistically and oppositionally to one another to maintain homeostasis within the body.

Breath training and meditation are heavily connected to both the ANS and SNS. They react to different emotional and physical stimuli, allowing the body to adapt to external and internal conditions. The CNS is highly adaptive, with adjustment capabilities that maintain all bodily systems and functions. It is susceptible to temperature and thermal changes. Cold exposure triggers a thermoregulatory response mediated by the ANS, creating physical and behavioral responses to avert the body from cold.

One study on Wim Hof used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and found that his brain showed substantially different available responses during the thermoregulatory challenge. This indicates that his breathing exercises and meditation techniques had re-trained his mind to overlook the cold. They believe that his ability to maintain internal warmth under icy conditions is caused by the release of stress hormones by the sympathetic nervous system, eliciting an analgesic response from the body to prevent perceptions of pain. The process is a positive stressor.

The study tied this hyperventilation and pain perception to his forceful respirations before entering the cold. Forceful respiration increases sympathetic innervation and glucose consumption in intercostal muscles. This generates heat that dissipates to the lung tissue circulating blood in the pulmonary capillaries.

The results indicate that forceful respirations and hyperventilation before and upon entry into extreme cold allow Hof to resist the freezing conditions without any physically aversive reaction. These studies suggest that practicing Wim Hof breathing techniques may increase an individual’s ability to withstand cold temperatures and other painful stimuli.


Autonomic Regulation

The human body is a master of adaptation. With this comes our ability to ignore irrelevant stimuli. For example, your nose sits in the middle of your face. Although you can see it every time you open your eyes, you do not notice it. Another example is when you put your shirt on in the morning. You notice it at first, but your awareness fades throughout the day. The brain recognizes that your nose and clothes are not a threat and chooses to ignore them so it can focus on other stimuli.

The mind interacts similarly with pain and discomfort. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) communicates with both the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) to understand what a stimulus is and determine if it is harmful or not. The processing of noxious stimuli by the ANS is known as nociception. Nociception is unique and can occur in the absence of pain. This means that our body can register harmful stimuli without a pain response and dissociate from the pain to ignore its presence.

The ability to dissociate and ignore pain closely ties to the autonomic and sympathetic nervous systems, which can be modulated through respiration. An increase in speed or breath signals the brain to release hormones that can work as analgesics. The release of neurotransmitter/hormone norepinephrine in response to pain stimuli increases the heart rate and blood circulation, providing energy for the fight or flight mechanism and causing the mind to dissociate from the pain.

Wim Hof's breathing may induce hyperventilation. This uptick in respiration rate initiates the autonomic nervous system to release norepinephrine, increasing the body's circulation and temperature and causing the brain to dissociate from the cold stimuli.


Who Should Try Wim Hof Breathing Exercises?

two persons trying the wim hof breathing methodEveryone can try the Wim Hof breathing method as the method works. It enhances sympathetic activity through autonomic regulation, increasing the amount of oxygen available to your muscles and organs. An increase in oxygen concentration relates to improved cognitive function, sports performance, and better sleep.

For athletes, increasing the heart rate and creating a hyper-oxygenated environment can improve sports performance. Increased oxygen in the blood allows the muscles to recover faster after heavy lifting exercises and increases their muscular endurance. This benefits endurance and power sports athletes as a decrease in recovery time enables them to train harder, longer, and more frequently.


Health Benefits

The Wim Hof method has extensive benefits for the mind, body, and soul. Continue reading to learn how to improve your daily life through this technique.

1. Strengthens immune system: Several peer-reviewed studies have shown that followers of the Wim Hof method have improved control of their immune responses, limiting flu-like symptoms. In addition, it strengthens the immune system to prevent illness. It is excellent for those with autoimmune diseases and can prevent the body from acting against its' healthy cells.

2. Improves mental well-being: The practice can improve your mental health by teaching you more control over your stress response and limiting episodes of panic attacks. It also reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety.

3. Better Sleep: Practicing the Wim Hof Method will help you obtain better sleep quality, helping you become stronger, happier, and healthier. It helps us develop control over the body and mind so we can rest soundly. Improved sleep quality can help us achieve better health by improving metabolic activity, reducing inflammation, boosting concentration, and limiting our stress response.

4. Improved concentration and focus: Techniques learned in the Wim Hof method will help you regain focus. By beginning your day with meditation, breathing exercises, and a cold shower, you will feel energized and focused throughout the day. In addition, these techniques will reduce stress, one of the most common causes of concentration problems.

These are just four of the many benefits of the Wim Hof Method. You can continue to deliver strength and resilience to your body through practice. It can be used in many ways for many different purposes. One example is during an expedition on Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2014, a group of 26 trekkers trained in the Wim Hof Method used breathing techniques to accelerate altitude acclimatization. The benefits and opportunities are extensive. Whatever you want to obtain through exercise, there is something for everyone.


the art of breathing made simple


Risks And Contraindications of Wim HoF Breathing Techniques

It is common for individuals who hyperventilate to faint due to a lack of carbon dioxide in the blood. The loss of carbon dioxide in the blood is known as hypoxia. The Wim Hof method may be hazardous for populations with irregular blood pressure, heart rate, asthma, or low oxygen levels. Individuals with autonomic regulation conditions should not attempt Wim Hof breathing without first speaking to their doctor.


Let’s Try Wim Hof Breathing

Here is a simple guide to practicing the exercise. The first rule of the Wim Hof Method is to listen to your body and never force. Hof recommends breathing exercises on an empty stomach to get the most out of practice.

Step 1: Get Comfortable

Let's start our breathing practice by finding a quiet place to sit or lay down. Make sure you are comfortable and can focus for at least 15 minutes.

Once you are comfy, begin noticing your breath. Breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Step 2: Power Breaths

Quicken your breath, inhaling and exhaling in little bursts by filling your abdomen with air. It may be helpful to imagine your chest and stomach as a balloon that you are inflating with air. Count for 30 inhales and 30 exhales. These quick, powerful breaths are known as the power breaths and will prepare your body for the breath-hold.

During these breathing techniques, you may feel tingling sensations in your fingers and feet or feel lightheaded. These side effects are harmless and should go away shortly.

Step 3: Breath Hold

On your 30th exhale, take a deeper inhale, filling your lungs thoroughly. Do not use any force during this deep breath. You want a soft inhale that fills your lungs to their total capacity.

Exhale your breath slowly until you are entirely out of breath.

Instead of inhaling immediately, hold the emptiness for as long as possible. You know you are ready to inhale when your body initiates the gasp reflex, feeling as though you have to take a breath.

Step 4: Recovery Breath

The recovery breath is used to inhale fully. The goal is to fill the lungs by breathing in through the nose. You can feel your chest expand as you fill your lungs. Hold your breath for ten whole seconds as your lungs fill to their maximum capacity — repeat steps one through four, three times.

Once you complete the breathing exercise, you may want to begin practicing some meditation or cold exposure. Practice at home through ice baths and cold showers.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are Wim Hof breathing exercises suitable for?

Wim Hof breathing is excellent for connecting the mind, body, and breath. It can enhance sports performance, increase pain tolerance, and provide a sense of calm at the end of a busy day.


What is the Wim Hof breathing technique?

The Wim Hof breathing technique is a breathing exercise that utilizes quick bursts of breath followed by an extended breath-hold to increase autonomic regulation and sympathetic tone.


Is it better to breathe through your nose or mouth?

It is usually better to inhale through your nose. The nasal passage is a part of the immune system containing a mucous membrane that moistens the air and traps harmful particles. The warming effect helps the oxygen move through the body and bind to hemoglobin, while the trapping of particles prevents you from getting sick.


Why does my body temperature change during the breath work?

An increase in autonomic regulation increases your heart rate and blood pressure. The increased blood circulation increases the temperature of the limbs, creating a warming sensation throughout the body. This prepares the body for cold exposure.


How does the Wim Hof method differ from Tummo breathing?

Both exercises incorporate deep breaths, cold environments, and meditation to create an inner fire. However, there are some distinct differences. Tummo breathing derives from Tibetan Buddhism. It consists of breathing and visualization techniques that help you enter a deep state of meditation where a person's inner heat will increase. Its distinct breathing techniques enable one to control their body's temperature to stay warm in cold conditions.

On the other hand, the Wim Hof Method has no religious components and incorporates its breathing method. It teaches practitioners to withstand the cold, heat, and fear by subjecting them to cold conditions. Hof focuses on mind over matter and retraining the body's responses, which can be practiced in numerous ways.


How can I try the Wim Hof method?

We recommend downloading the Wim Hof Method by inner fire bv if you are interested in the breathing exercise. The application provides a compressive introduction to the Wim Hof Method. Many users of inner fire bv report reduced stress levels, increased vitality, and more.




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Breath Practice and Performance – Coach Zach Elder

Nonshivering thermogenesis - ScienceDirect

“Brain over body”–A study on the willful regulation of autonomic function during cold exposure - ScienceDirect

Tummo Meditation | Your Inner Fire and the Wim Hof Method.

Wim Hof Breathing Method

Wim Hof Breathing Method

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