4 min read

How To Meditate


How to meditate? This is one of the first questions students google or ask a meditation teacher when considering introducing meditation into their life. The truth is there are limitless opportunities for meditation practice, from walking meditation to basic breath meditation or guided meditation, and we would be very mistaken to say there is one right way to meditate. In this blog post, we’ve decided to dig deep and debunk the myths surrounding meditation practice.


What is meditation?

woman learning how to meditateMeditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique, such as mindfulness, to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. Meditation has been practiced for centuries worldwide and is an integral part of many different religions and spiritual traditions.


Types of meditation practice

Before getting into the practical tools that answer how to meditate, it's essential to unpack the top meditation practices suitable for beginners and more advanced practitioners of all levels.

  • Mindfulness meditation: This technique involves focusing your attention on the present moment and being aware of your thoughts and feelings without judging them. Anyone can practice basic mindfulness meditation, and it doesn’t require special equipment or training.

  • Transcendental meditation: This mantra-based meditation technique is said to be easy to learn and practice. Sometimes addressed as a spiritual practice, transcendental meditation involves using a mantra or a word or phrase repeated repeatedly to focus your attention and help you achieve a state of deep relaxation.

  • Loving-kindness meditation: This type of meditation involves cultivating feelings of compassion and kindness towards yourself and others.

  • Progressive relaxation: This technique involves slowly tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in your body to help you relax. The main idea behind advanced relaxation mediation is to focus on the sensation of relaxation and let go of any other thoughts.

  • Movement meditation: This type of meditation can involve walking, Tai Chi, or yoga. The aim is to focus your attention on your body and the sensations you feel while moving.

Other meditation styles include Vipassana, Kirtan, Tibetan Buddhist meditation, walking meditation, and body scan meditation.


Why meditate

man sitting in lotus position performing meditationThere are many reasons why people participate in meditation practice. Some people meditate to relax and de-stress, while others use it as a tool to focus and increase their productivity. Meditation has also shown various health benefits, such as reducing stress, anxiety, and pain.

Here are the top benefits of meditation practice:

  • Reduced stress levels: Meditation has been shown to lower the body’s stress response, leading to reduced stress levels.

  • Anxiety relief: Meditation can help to calm and focus the mind, which can provide relief from anxiety and worry.

  • Pain reduction: Meditation has been shown to reduce pain by distracting and focusing on the breath.

  • Boost energy levels: Meditation can also help to increase energy levels by improving focus and concentration.

  • Improved sleep: Meditation practice helps to improve sleep quality and quantity.

  • Better wellbeing: Meditation increases positive emotional responses and overall life satisfaction levels.

  • Stronger immune system: Meditation has been shown to boost the immune system by reducing stress levels. The immune system's response to meditation practice is similar to that of the body’s response to relaxation and laughter.


How to start meditating as a beginner?

woman learning how to start meditatingIf you’re new to meditation, the prospect of starting a practice can be overwhelming. There are so many different techniques and styles of meditation that it’s hard to know where to begin.

First, define the reason and purpose why you want to start meditation. It can be mental health, physical health,  emotional wellbeing, or anything else you want to achieve through meditation.

Then, set realistic expectations for your practice. Meditation is a process, and it takes time to see results. Be patient and be kind to yourself as you start your journey. Your journey is limitless, never-ending progress, so it's important to let it flow.

Now that you know your why and have set your intention, it’s time to start exploring different meditation techniques.  As a beginner, we recommend trying a few different styles to see what works best for you.


Basic steps to meditation practices

  • Choose a comfortable place to sit or lie down. You can also meditate in a chair with your feet flat. Make sure your spine is straight, and your body is relaxed.

  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Focus on your breath and how it feels as you inhale and exhale.

  • Allow your thoughts to come and go without judging or being attached to them. If you get distracted, simply bring your attention back to your breath. Start with a few minutes of meditation and gradually increase the time as you feel comfortable. Remember, there is no “right” way to meditate.

For more profound meditation practices, check out the suggestions above for guided meditation and other styles.  Experiment and find what works best for you. The most important thing is to be consistent with your practice. Regular meditation will provide the most benefits in the long run.


Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a form of mindfulness that can be done at any moment, whether you are sitting, walking, eating, or even showering.

The difference between mindfulness meditation and other styles of meditation is that it does not require you to focus on anything in particular. You simply bring your attention to the present moment and observe your thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment. If you get distracted, simply bring your attention back to the now.

Mindfulness meditation can be done for any length of time, but we recommend starting from ten minutes and working your way up.


Why Walking Meditation is So Good and Easy

woman performing walking meditationWalking meditation is a form of mindfulness meditation that can be done anywhere, anytime.

All you need to do is focus your attention on your feet and how they feel as you walk. Notice the sensation of your feet touching the ground and the movement of your legs. It can be done during your morning stroll, a weekend walk, or a lunch break – all you need for walking meditation is just your two feet on the ground.

Walking meditation is a great way to bring mindfulness into your everyday life. It's easy to do and requires no special equipment or training. Plus, it has many benefits for your mental and physical health.




Chakra Meditation

Meditation Techniques

Body Scan Meditation

Guided Meditation For Anxiety

Meditation For Kids

Morning Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation

Sleep Meditation

Mind Body Connection

Gratitude Meditation

Meditation For Anxiety

Guided Meditation

Night Meditation

Self Awareness

Transcendental Meditation

Visualization Meditation

Loving Kindness Meditation

How To Meditate



How Meditation Helps With Stress

How Meditation Changes The Brain

How Meditation Works

Meditation Music

Meditation Gifts

Meditation Benefits

What is Meditation?

What is Mindfulness?

Meditation Apps

Meditation For Beginners



How to Meditate - Mindful

How to Meditate - Well Guides - The New York Times 

Meditation for Beginners - Headspace

Learn to Meditate in 6 Easy Steps

9 Types of Meditation: Which One Is Right for You?   



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